Monday, April 23, 2012

Today is the day.

Be Grateful.

Simple sentence- yet so many forget how important it is. I am currently reading about five different books at the moment.. Who knows when I will find time to finish them as they are all amazing books about true happiness, finances, very inspiring stuff which is always what I am into; however one of them is all about the magic of GRATITUDE, and it points out so many things that we forget to be grateful for on a day to day basis.
The main point it says that when you're grateful, that is putting yourself on the highest frequency to align yourself with all of the things that you are wanting within your life and when you are not grateful, you attract the negative circumstances that you keep complaining about over and over as "not having enough". It is such a simple concept, that makes perfect sense. It is only when you are truly grateful for what you have RIGHT NOW, that you will begin to be showered with things that you can't even imagine because you thought they were too far out of reach, and amazing things can happen within your life.
Stop complaining about not having enough- but be grateful and happy for what you already have.
It is tough sometimes to stay grateful and positive, I know trust me some days all I want to do is kick and scream like a child if things don't go my way, but its soo important to just stay patient, and look at the big picture.
Be grateful for all things around you that we forget to give thanks for on a day to day basis.
The people, your family, your friends, your home, your bed, your city, car, food, money in your account (even if its just $10, it is still $10 more than many people out there who have nothing, or are negative in $$!), your job (which is another big one for many people). And even if it isn't your "ideal" or "dream job". Picture it as if it was- as if you are living your dream life RIGHT now.. As hard as it is to picture, you really do feel absolutely amazing once you live it in your mind as opposed to your current reality. Its not something I have fully mastered myself yet as it is difficult sometimes to switch the notion that you really are capable of doing anything- but sharing a simple concept with others I think is a great way to shift the normal thought process.
You are never "stuck" in your current reality and you can always change it if you want to. We really do have the power within ourselves to do anything we desire. It doesn't matter how big or ridiculous it may sound to others. If you hate your current circumstances, CHANGE it.

Inspiration from "The Magic"-

                                                         Always believe in yourself.


Even if nobody else out there in the world does- if YOU believe you can do things in your own unique way, then do it. Don't listen to anybody else unless they give you a positive influence or positive constructive criticism. Sometimes people do need a bit of a kick in the ass to get going again but be sure to give yourself a kick before anyone else does! If someone is forcing things on you, its going to make you want to resist doing anything at all. Setting goals really is a great way to successfully achieve things. I have never really been major into specific "Goal Setting" however recently I have decided to do so and once you make that decision, it really does feel great. Whether you write it down or paste it onto a vision board or just surround yourself with pictures that inspire you, knowing you have set things in motion to achieve at your own free will and at your own desired pace really is an awesome feeling. This year, in my mind I have set some amazing things that I want to achieve within myself. If I don't achieve them right away, I just have to keep reminding myself not to get discouraged or disheartened because if I just make sure to keep my faith and keep trying, magic always happens one way or another.
BELIEVE even when things are looking down and you may see you have no way out. Even if there is absolutely NO way you may think you can, there is ALWAYS a way.

A few of my favorite quotes:

"Follow your bliss, and the Universe will open doors where there were only walls."

"See the things you want as already yours. Know that they will come to you at need. Then let them come. Don't fret and worry about them. Don't think about your lack of them. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, as already in your possession."

...and don't ever let anybody tell you that what you are doing ISN'T enough. If you are trying your best and keeping your spirits up, and doing the best of what you know and what YOU believe. Then that is ALWAYS enough.

LOVE like every day is your very last.

For we never know what is in store for our tomorrow. This very subject is what inspired me to write this entire blog, and start writing them again as often as I am inspired.
If I myself, can inspire at least one person through my own experiences to take some kind of action, then not a day goes by wasted. Yes we hear this kind of stuff all the time things like "live to the fullest" or "love like you never have loved before", but sometimes never think to actually act upon as IF today was our last. We think about it and it registers, but then we get distracted by our daily worries and the mind goes on auto-pilot again. It isn't fair that sometimes it takes great tragedy or losing someone to jolt us back to reality that we cannot take the people in our lives for granted. Everyone has a different path and it sucks whenever life takes unexpected turns and people that you thought would always be there, turn out to be gone in an instant. Some people may return, but other times, they never will get the chance to.
We always tend to take soo many little things for granted even in people that are so important to us and the phrase is true you don't know what you really have, until it is gone. But I think, it doesn't ever have to be that way if you make sure to tell your loved ones every day how much you love and appreciate them being a presence in your life. Not only tell them- but most importantly show them.
Don't sweat the small stuff- there is a much bigger picture than that. Don't get mad at stupid little things, because they are just not worth it. Life really is TOO short to have resentment or hold grudges, and who knows when our journey will end. Tomorrow is never certain. Always tell the ones you love, how much you LOVE them and how much they mean to you! No matter how much they may annoy you or piss you off at times.. Get over it. Move on and up. What people in your life may have done or what YOU yourself have done that you may regret, keep working at yourself every day and no doubt it will get better; so forget the past, don't dwell on what you cannot change/ have no control over, and look forward to the future. Never wait until the day comes, that it may be too late.
